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Changing your career path: why Robyn chose distance learning to help her

changing your career path

It’s not uncommon for people to change career paths several times throughout their lives. When Robyn realised that the degree she had worked so hard for and the career path she was on, wasn’t the right route for her, she decided to explore alternative career paths.

With a dream of working in the criminology industry, Robyn is keen to build up her knowledge in preparation for changing careers in the future. We caught up with Robyn to find out more about her reasons for choosing distance learning and her plans to change her career path…

What’s your background in terms of education and career?

Before starting my courses with Open Study College, I had already achieved a 2:1 Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Gloucestershire where I studied Multimedia Web Design and Development.

Growing up I always had my heart set on working within the tech/design industry, so I took the most relevant courses to get me there as early as my GCSE’s.

During the time I was studying my qualifications I worked in various roles within the industry, I was even asked to go back to my old school and teach more modern techniques to students.

Since graduating I’ve gone through the typical post-grad nightmare of ‘how the hell do I put this piece of paper that says I can do stuff to good use?!’. Thankfully I eventually landed a job that, for the most part, used the skills I had acquired and for a little while I was pretty settled.

The problem then was (and it’s a problem that I am known for within my family) that I just got very bored of doing the same thing day in, day out.

Going through education, there are so many things changing and, as a young person, there are so many other things going on in your life. So much so that I didn’t stop to think about if the career path I was taking would be one that would keep my keen and inquisitive mind satisfied.

In some ways it does, I’m able to go from project to project and small things are different each time, but ultimately it wasn’t enough to keep me interested. I still work in the industry while I’m studying with Open Study College, with the hope that I will be able to make a more drastic career change sooner rather than later.

What made you want to study your chosen subject?

The variety of topics I choose to study with Open Study College are all chosen to develop myself as a person, as well as the main goal of changing my career.

When I look back and think about all the things I could have studied the first-time round, if I hadn’t been so obsessed with technology, the obvious choice for me was always something based around forensics and criminology.

There is no doubt that a career in that area would satisfy my problem with becoming bored easily, so when it came to trying things a second time round, Forensic Science, Crime Scene Investigation and similar courses were obvious starting points for me. If only I had taken these subjects first time round!

What was your motivation for studying?

My main motivation is the thought of someday being able to wake up in the morning and be truly excited to do my job. Even on days were I really don’t want to get out of bed, or at times when it’s really trying, I still want to be able to say there is nothing else I would rather be doing.

Why did you choose distance learning over traditional study methods?

Well firstly, I’ve done the traditional methods and I don’t think my body could handle another round of freshers! Most importantly though, I chose distance learning because I have to fit my education around a job and various other things; adult things that really none of us want, but we have them anyway.

This way I’m able to take my time with the course and work on it at times that suit me, all while maintaining my other responsibilities.

Why did you choose to study with Open Study College?

I chose to study with Open Study College because at first glance I could see they had a massive range of courses. I saw the opportunity to use their course range to my advantage and they were all at a price I could afford, even offering an instalment scheme.

Looking further into it, I saw the reviews from previous students were glowing and overall it looked like a great tool to base my future learning around.

So far, they have truly surpassed my expectations; the tutor support is fantastic, and the team are very active when it comes to offering praise for your achievements, which is a huge thing when you’re taking your first steps into ultimately the unknown. The constant support they provide goes a long way.

What have you enjoyed most about your studies?

I’ve always enjoyed learning new things; I have this rule where I make sure I only learn about things that interest me, so I can have a greater understanding about why it interests me.

One of the things that stands out to me though is how much I enjoy working through the course material and actually writing the assignments… even more so is the feeling I get when I get my results back and they’re as good as they are! #humblebrag

What do you plan to do with your course after completing your studies?

The ultimate goal is to have some kind of career within the police force, it’ll take some time, but I’ll get there one day!

Do you plan to study any further in the future?

Having already completed the Forensic Science Level 3 course and being half way through my Crime Scene Investigations Level 3 course, it’s fair to say that I will be coming back to study more without a doubt!

There are a number of other courses I am planning to take in future including: Criminology, Forensic Ballistics, Psychological Profiling and many more.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Mostly I would like to thank the team at Open Study College for helping me get back into education, which has allowed me to take the first steps towards my dream job.

I’m sure I’m not the first person that wishes they had done things differently the first time around with college and university, and I’m even more sure that I won’t be the last!

It’s reassuring to know that Open Study College is there for people when they are ready to get back into learning and make the changes they want to make.

If you would like to find out more about the courses Robyn has studied with us, take a look at our Forensic Science and Crime Scene Investigation course pages. Or you can take a look at our full range of criminology courses, by clicking here.

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