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Mental Health Awareness Week: 69% of young men struggle with mental health

Man looking sad

Ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week (9th to 15th May), Open Study College has found that, in a recent survey of its male students, over two thirds (69 percent) of the 18-30-year-olds polled said they have struggled with their mental health in the last two years.

The survey conducted by the distance learning provider also highlighted education as a form of relief, as 42 percent said they had taken up studying as a way of improving their mental health.

As part of the annual national awareness event, which asks the whole of the UK to speak up and focus on achieving good mental health, Open Study College is encouraging those who may be struggling themselves to consider studying and learning a new skill, as an additional way of improving mental health and wellbeing.

Over the years, research around knowledge and learning new skills has always been linked to positive mental health as education is a significant factor in the outcomes in life such as income and employment and therefore an overall indicator for improved mental health and well-being.

Open Study College student, Eden, 23, from Durham: “Having something to focus on during the lockdowns and now beyond was a godsend for my mental health, and I thank Open Study College for that.”

Samantha Rutter, CEO at Open Study College, commented: “The connection between education and mental health is an interesting one, not to mention all of the research out there already suggesting that learning new skills can improve your mindset by boosting self-confidence and giving you a real sense of purpose.

“This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is loneliness, and the Mental Health Foundation is looking at the impact of the pandemic, and some practical steps to address it. We believe it correlates with the statistics from our study that asked students about their mental health over the past two years, a period which coincided with the global pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns. Whilst there is no one answer or simple strategy when it comes to positive health and wellbeing, learning and education can play a huge part in boosting it. Our student feedback really is a testimony to this.”

Open Study College student, Steven, 32, from Birmingham: “Distance learning has helped me so much. Open Study College kept me focused and got me out of a really dark place when I hit rock bottom.”

Open Study College Student, Abbie, 21, from North Devon: “I had to drop out of college due to poor mental health and needed something to study online whilst I was struggling as I love learning. Distance learning meant that I could carry on with my studies and do what I enjoy the most.”

Open Study College offers in excess of 700 distance learning courses, across a broad spectrum of disciplines, from accounting and bookkeeping to animal care and counselling, with OSC Recruitment providing job finding support to both candidates and clients across the Midlands.

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