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How studying a science course ignited a new passion for Wesley and helped his mental health


Intrigued by complex things that work and the natural world, Wesley decided to study Introduction to Science with us which ignited his passion for the subject. Now, he is studying A levels in Biology and Chemistry and his interest and curiosity in the subject is what keeps him studying. Studying through distance learning has helped him overcome depression and has opened up a future for him.

Wesley didn’t enjoy the traditional education route we are all pushed down, struggling to enjoy both school and college.

My choice to study with Open Study College was a series of events that transpired when I was young. Primary and secondary school for me and some others was horrible, the teachers would rather meet your misunderstood answer with yelling and negative school marks, some students were put on a table tucked away in the corner of the room out of sight of the teacher, most of the time forgotten, but nevertheless teaching simple science was tucked under the rug, now it has since changed into a more positive place sadly some years too late for me.”

“I went to college where I thought things could finally change. I could now be set free study what I wanted, choosing the future I want to experience. But it did not happen. I was reunited with the same students I attended school with who were rough bullies. I found the work mind-numbing and I hated every second I was there. “

The thought of doing this for 3 years was too much, doubt entangled me. After some time of dragging myself to classes, I could not do it any more. I left college with depression in pursuit I became immensely sad accepting my journey of ambition and future has ended.”

It wasn’t until a friend suggested distance learning to Wesley he began to realise he could reignite his interest in learning!

I would through this time go for long walks and sit on the beach with my head in my hands imagining a future-less future. A time came when the blankness of the future is so extreme, you just want it to end.

One day a friend spoke about distance learning and how it was growing. The concept was slightly strange to me. I did some research looking around for the most credible UK distance learning college and found OSC. People spoke highly of it. I browsed their large selection of courses then found it, the science category and that was it.

“OSC definitely ignited that beautiful thing called curiosity and enthusiasm to learn, something no school or college was able to do for me.”

I have extremely helpful tutors, a steady schedule built around the course, the freedom to study anywhere is reassuring, to just sit in the sun
while writing an assignment is peaceful and relaxing.

Wesley chose science because of how beautifully complex simple things become.

A strong motivation to why I study science is because it is an activity in which you find what is true, the more you learn in science the more detailed and beautifully complex simple things become. Things that first looked ordinary, or simple when in fact they have an important place in our way of life.

My first course I started studying to see if it was something I wanted to focus on in the future. It was Introduction to Science and was full of interesting facts. My appetite for science was thrown into a thirst that cannot be quenched.

The course material was well put together making having a physical teacher simply obsolete. The study pack was a superb page-turner. My first interaction with my tutor (Chris) was met with comfort in what I was studying as well as helpful tips, anything I was not sure on was met with no question is stupid and there is nothing wrong in not understanding the subject.

Through this, the assignments I submitted were met with constructive criticism. As time progressed my work noticeably became better effecting and improving my life.

I knew I was learning effectively because the things I had learnt were finding their way into my surroundings and effecting my interactions, things just seemed to click into place.

“After receiving my certificate, I decided to do my A Levels with OSC. With the ambition to attend university possibly study medicine. This was something I was interested in when I was younger, but did not have the place of study to grow on the idea. Until now.

Motivated by the most influential scientists and lesser-known practising Doctors like Richard Shephard, who had a wife who studied distantly, got accepted into medical school and then became a dermatologist.

“One day with the possibility to help others with the information I learn about the diverse and large world of science is a powerful motivation. OSC is playing an especially important role in helping me get to that place I want to be. Both long ago it seemed too far from my horizon.”

The resulting effects each page of the courses has on me, how each sentence affects my life with the information it holds is most salient to me.”

Something the OSC courses are quite good at doing, delivering valued information that you have been seeking, it does this in a highly positive way from what I have experienced.

Wesley has expressed how much studying for this course has impacted his life, giving him more knowledge and also the reason to learn more.

I have had a lot of questions thrown my way when I tell someone what I’m learning or have learnt, or how I am learning, it is met with all sorts of reactions. It also comes with the benefit of being able to answer questions about living organisms; what makes them, how do they work, how does our body know when to release a chemical to cause a reaction? How does it control the amount it releases? What enzymes do in living organisms? These questions have become fun to answer and fun to think about.

“The information also allows you to know most importantly when you are wrong, which gives you the edge to learn more about a subject.”

We asked him if there was any advice he has for someone considering studying through distance learning.

“If you are thinking about studying science, then know it will unlock the secrets of things you may not have even know existed. things that are too small to see, suddenly become giant with the things they do. “

Studying distantly requires discipline it is easy not to do the work, effectively wasting time procrastinating. I learnt that you must keep that curiosity train moving. Re-read pages, you will work best when you are familiar with the subject. most importantly if it’s a concept or idea or problem you are struggling with don’t beat yourself up. Ask your tutor more they know what you struggle with the better they understand how to help you with the course. Also, the mystical powers of coffee helps…”

If you are inspired by Wesley’s story, take a look at some of the range of courses we offer.

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