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Learning at Work Week – why is it important to learn at work?

Man learning at work

Ever felt stuck in the mud at work? You aren’t developing so you feel less and less motivated by the day. It’s important to feel like you’re progressing at work, so as part of Learning at Work Week, we want to discuss the benefits of employees learning at work.

Learning at Work Week

Learning at Work Week is organised by the Campaign for Learning, and has taken place every May since 1999. The week aims to shine a spotlight on the importance and benefits of learning and development at work.
Learning at work offers benefits for both employers and employees. So, if you feel like you need development to progress in your current role, you could ask your manager to fund a course that could boost your skills. Or, you may have a demotivated workforce who you want to inspire and excite, so you could introduce a learning and development programme.

So, what are the benefits?

Employee Benefits

  • When you invest in an employee’s learning and development at work they feel valued. When they feel valued, employees are more committed to their role and the organisation
  • Learning at work is a great way to stimulate employees and make their work more enjoyable
  • Employees who improve their skills and work towards a goal will feel more motivated and achieve their targets

Employer Benefits

  • A highly motivated, valued workforce will work more effectively than an unmotivated employee who feels disposable
  • By continually developing your employees’ skill set, you will create a culture of continuous improvement. This will allow your business to operate in a more efficient manner
  • Offering your employees the opportunity to learn at work allows you to recognise and develop internal talent. This means when a position becomes available you are able to identify who is best suited for a promotion, and save money on recruitment costs

If you want to see what we can do for your employees, or if you want to pitch a development opportunity to your employer, take a look at our website to see what we have to offer, or call a student adviser on 03300 563100.

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