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How flexible learning is helping Jasmine’s career

Jasmine smiling |  OSC case study

“Distance learning allowed me to work flexibly around my work and social schedule and the outcome of knowing you achieved something independently is highly rewarding.”

Jasmine, 24, Oxfordshire

Having just completed her first course with Open Study College, Jasmine recommends a flexible learning route to those considering studying with OSC, describing it as highly rewarding, but warns that you do need to have a level of self-motivation and be organised in order to reap the rewards when learning from home.

Fitting her studies for the Project Management Level 3 course around her full-time job as an SEO Manager, Jasmine said: “For me, distance learning was the best option as I don’t drive, so travelling to campuses to physically attend college or university wouldn’t be easy.

“As I already have a full-time job, it would also have meant having to take time off work, which isn’t ideal. Completing a distance learning course with Open Study College has enabled me to work flexibly around my job, my social schedule, and my hobbies. I spend a lot of my spare time knitting and am currently creating a Halloween outfit for my fiancé.

“I really enjoyed the flexibility of working whenever it suited me. For example, if I had a busy couple of weeks, there was no pressure to overload myself with even more work. I could simply get around to it when I was ready and as a result, my productivity was better because of this.”

Jasmine explains how she is already benefiting and applying her course knowledge, but also talks about some of the aspects she found challenging with distance learning and thanks OSC for the encouragement and constructive support she received:

“I’ve already managed to incorporate elements of the project management principles I’ve learned on the course in my day-to-day work activities, and one day my goal is to become a project manager or progress into a role where project management would be one of my key responsibilities.

“It was challenging sometimes though, especially not being able to bounce ideas off course mates when I was unsure about something. However, this encouraged me to develop my problem-solving skills and I’m better for it. My tutor was also in regular contact and provided me with constructive and encouraging feedback on all of my assignments which always helped. Any questions I had were answered quickly and helpfully, and all of the assignment criteria and briefs were easy to understand and helped with direct essays well!”

When asked about any advice Jasmine has to offer now that she’s completed her first course she said, “Be prepared to self-motivate and organise your own study schedule. As there aren’t physical classes to attend you really do need to put the effort in but the outcome of knowing you achieved something independently is highly rewarding.”

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