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How events student Athina kickstarted her career

Athina, Open Study College learner

“For me, distance learning has changed everything. Open Study College made me realise that you can learn anything and everything at any age and if you work for it, you can make it in life. It shaped me as a person and made me see that everything is possible!” – Athina, 30, Denmark

Athina discovered Open Study College five years ago at a time in her life when she was unsure what path to follow. Since then, she’s completed a variety of courses including PR and Marketing, Wedding Planning, and Event Management. Athina is also planning to do a Hospitality Management course, or something similar, later this year.

She said: “When I discovered Open Study College, I was 25 years old and still didn’t know what I wanted to achieve in life. When I found Open Study College online, it gave me a completely new perspective on what I could do.

“So far, I have completed courses in Event Management, Wedding Planning and then I did PR and Marketing Level 3. Since then, I have been organising hundreds of events in different types of industries including concerts, fashion, and business meetings. It has been an exciting adventure and has provided me with great life experience.

“With Open Study College, the thing I enjoy most is that I can go at my own pace from home and really take my time to do all the research I need, to give me the maximum insight and information on how the event industry works.”

Athina also explained some of the challenges she has faced over the years, and the support she’s received from the Open Study College team to combat these challenges:

“OSC’s tutors were amazing. They provided really quick feedback with constructive criticism and praised me for my research, so I really felt validated and that I was going in the right direction. Some of the practical experience was challenging though. At the beginning, I didn’t know anything about events, so when I had to do my research for my course, I had to face the external world, and the people, where some provided me with nice experiences, and some less so. These mixed experiences made me understand how I would want to run my business one day.”

Offering advice to others considering distance learning, events student Athina reflects on her journey thus far:

“I left school when I was 16, I had no idea what to do and didn’t like studying at that time. Then I started working whilst still trying to figure out what I should do in life until I found OSC, and for me, that was the best path. I now have a great career despite the fact that I left school at 16.

“If you’re thinking about following the distance learning route then you should. The courses are good and well explained, and the guides on all subjects are very useful and give you new viewpoints.

“For me, distance learning has changed everything. Open Study College made me realise that you can learn anything and everything at any age and if you work for it, you can make it in life. It shaped me as a person and made me see that everything is possible!”

Take a look at our event management courses we offer here.

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