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How to become a professional photographer

woman photographer

They say a picture speaks 1000 words…

Living in a time where photographs speak more than the population, this has never been more relevant. The rise of social media means that pictures hold higher precedence than reality, so any photo opportunity is always welcomed; and those by a professional photographer are like a hot commodity. In that case, it seems like a pretty sensible career choice to become a professional photographer. If it sounds like a bit of you, here is some quick and easy careers advice on how to start this new career.

Buy a decent camera

If you are serious about making this your career, you need to invest in it and yourself. As great as smartphones are, they are not the correct equipment you need to become a highly-respected and well-paid professional photographer.
Do some research into the best camera for your needs and look into what already established professional photographers use.

Do some research

You need to know what kinds of images are popular at events and occasions, and how to carry them out.
This is the fun bit: attend some events! If you have any up-scale social plans on the horizon, such as weddings or formal parties, ensure that you pay close attention to the photographer used. If possible (when they are too busy), ask for any advice or technique tips that could get you started.


“Don’t practice until you get it right; practice until you can’t get it wrong.”

Like anything in life, to get better at something you need to practice. As silly as it may sound, you could start with asking two friends to pose in your garden or a local park to practice positioning and camera angles. Every little helps!

Study your craft

There is more to photography than just knowing a great angle and having a beautiful backdrop. When you become a professional photographer, you are running a business, and this is something that you need to get familiar with before committing to anything professional.

Refine your sector

There are various types of sectors within photography that you could be successful in.

Our Digital Photography Level 3 course covers all elements of photography from angles and lighting to editing and printing.

Or our Wedding Photography Level 3 course covers different elements of the career and will give you a better repertoire to show to potential clients.
If you want to start or develop your career and become a professional photographer, check out our distance learning courses on our website.

Alternatively, call our Student Adviser team on 03300 563 100 who know the ins and outs of each course and would be happy to find the perfect one for you.

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