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Your university course not what you expected? Take a leaf out of Cara’s book…


If university doesn’t work out first time, take a leaf out of Cara’s book…

So, you’ve got your A Level results and confirmed your university place on the course you really wanted to study. But what happens if that course doesn’t turn out to be all you hoped it would be?
First of all don’t worry. Not all courses at university are the same and they aren’t for everyone. Remind yourself there are other options before you stick to your course and end up unhappy.
Rather than carrying on regardless, in Cara’s case it made sense for her to enrol on another A Level course in order to get those all important UCAS points, and apply for a more suitable degree course the following academic year.

What’s your background in terms of education?

I studied GCSEs and A Levels at an academy school. After A levels, I started at university last year but quickly realised the course wasn’t right for me, so I made the decision to withdraw and reassess my future education plans.

What made you want to study your chosen subject/course?

I wanted to improve my academic position in terms of A Level grades and UCAS points in order to apply for an alternative university place. I chose A Level Sociology as I felt it complimented my previous subjects, which would in turn help my knowledge further when studying at university. OSC offered the perfect course with flexibility around deadlines and studying.

What was your motivation for studying?

The driving force was wanting to achieve a good enough grade to expand my educational stance, and also to increase my knowledge of my chosen subject and in turn society. Also, I wanted to get back into the habit of academia, studying, and essay writing in order to prepare for university.

Why did you choose distance learning over traditional study methods?

My school was unable to offer me a place to sit the exams. Instead of commuting a longer distance to a college, OSC offered the ideal balance of studying minus the commute, strain and time.

Why did you choose to study with Open Study College?

The website was very inviting and resourceful, and the company and staff seemed very friendly and eager to help. I found them to be the best all round for value and quality of materials.

What have you enjoyed most about your studies?

Learning more about the world, society and people around us, as well as being able to immerse myself in a subject I didn’t previously know much about; all at my own pace.

What do you plan to do with your course after completing your studies?

I’ll be studying English & Linguistics at Nottingham Trent University. I’ll also use the knowledge I’ve gained to help my general knowledge in an array of areas socially.

Do you plan to study any further in the future?

For now my focus will be on my university course. But I would definitely consider studying more courses in the future!

What are your career goals?

I’m still deciding a definite career path at present, but potentially something to do with English or in a similar field.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Thank you OSC for always being so helpful and thorough with all the advice, resources and patience I received as a student.
It’s so important to be happy with your university course – you’ll spend a lot of time on it over the next 3 or more years! While putting your original plans on hold for a year may be daunting, it’s worth it in the long run. Thanks for sharing your story Cara!
If you’d like to find out more about studying A Levels with Open Study College, or about any of our 550+ courses, give us a call on 03300 563100 or visit our website.

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