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Top 4 online learning myths

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Distance learning isn’t a new concept, it has actually been around since the 1800s. However, thanks to the rapid advances in technology in the 1990s, its popularity has skyrocketed. So, why are there still so many online learning myths out there when it is now commonplace?

Ultimately, online learning gives those who don’t have the time to attend college in person the chance to learn something new or take control of their career path. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common myths surrounding online learning and why they are just that: a myth.

Myth 1: Online schools are a scam

While there have been some distance learning providers who have given the industry a bad reputation in the past, Open Study College and other online learning providers have worked hard to establish a good reputation built on integrity, trust, and honesty.

When searching for the right distance learning provider for you, look for a professionally presented website, check their social media pages, and any online reviews. A reputable online college should use a recognised third-party review site such as Trustpilot, allowing learners to leave objective reviews.

It is also a good idea to check whether the provider offers any recognised qualifications and ensure that you will actually need to complete assignments to achieve their qualification. If you are not required to complete any assessments to achieve your qualification or certificate, we recommend that you avoid that provider.

Myth 2: You won’t achieve a qualification when studying online

The majority of reputable online colleges will offer a range of accredited, recognised qualifications. What these qualifications are will depend on the college and whether they have chosen to specialise in any particular area. For example, some online colleges such as ourselves offer a broad spectrum of courses and qualifications, others specify in specific areas such as accounting or marketing.

As previously mentioned, here at OSC we offer a wide variety of accredited qualifications that are nationally recognised. These qualifications include the same A Levels and GCSEs provided in schools and colleges up and down the country, as well as qualifications from awarding bodies such as:

  • AAT
  • ICB
  • ActiveIQ
  • CIM

Myth 3: You’ll be completely on your own if you study online

One of the most common misconceptions about distance learning is that you’ll be completely on your own. The reality is that when you study with us, you’ll have unlimited guidance from your tutor, who will be on-hand to answer any questions you may have about your studies. Your tutor will also be responsible for providing you with detailed feedback on any tutor-marked assessments that you submit. You’ll also receive support from our learner services team who can help you with anything that isn’t directly related to your course materials.

When completing your online course, you will be in control of your studies. It will be your responsibility to plan when and where you study, allowing you to study at your own pace. Once you are ready to start studying your course, we recommend that you contact your tutor to introduce yourself. Your tutor typically won’t contact you first as they won’t want to pressure you into getting started if you aren’t ready, so it’s essential that you reach out to them when you’re ready to get started.

Myth 4: Employers don’t value online courses

Employers seeing no value in online courses is utterly false. On the contrary, studying an online course around your other work, family, and lifestyle commitments is actually guaranteed to impress employers, future and present! Studying an online course will demonstrate to employers that you are serious about your career, as well as showing that you are willing to expand your knowledge to help you do better. Whether you’re hoping to change careers, move up the career ladder, or make your case for a pay rise or promotion, studying an online course will look impressive on your resume and help you stand out from other candidates.

We hope this has helped to settle some of your reservations about studying a course from home. If you would like to explore our course range more, click here to go to our homepage.

Alternatively, if you have further questions or would like some help finding the right course for you, call our team on 03300 563100.

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