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Distance learning can fuel your career

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Did you know 60% of our students take up distance learning to fuel their career ambitions?

To mark National Careers Week (7th to 12th March), we’ve revealed that in a recent survey of current students, 60% said the main reason for studying is specifically to upskill or retrain for a new career path.

As part of the national awareness week which aims to empower positive change through career education, here at Open Study College we are encouraging those pondering a change in career to consider distance learning as an accessible route to retrain or upskill.

New research released by Ipsos suggests that 2022 is likely to be a turbulent year in the jobs market. In the last three months a survey found that 47% of British workers have looked for another job, 29% thought about quitting, 26% applied for another job and 13% had spoken to their employer about resigning.

With the increase in people considering career changes, last year we also announced the launch of OSC Recruitment, a new arm dedicated to enhancing its offering for job seekers and employers alike. In its first few months of operation, our new recruitment consultancy successfully sourced and placed 15 candidates in new careers.

Samantha Rutter, our CEO, commented: “We believe there are a number of reasons for the rise in people considering a change in career including the impact of COVID, which has fundamentally shifted the way in which we work and naturally made people reflect on their jobs.

“We weren’t at all surprised by the stat in our recent survey revealing that a high percentage of our students are studying with us due to their personal career plans. In fact, this data only reinforces what we’ve learned in previous research – that, on average, 25-34-year-olds will have already worked in six different roles and are prepared to switch careers, and that 48% of men and nearly half of working women in the UK feel stuck in a dull and unrewarding job.

“We’re so proud that we’re able to support people as they embark on their various career paths and whatever the reason, we believe it is never too late to learn. There’s no time like the present to consider a new career, and National Careers Week is a great time to start exploring your future.”

We offer in excess of 700 distance learning courses, across a broad spectrum of disciplines, from accounting and bookkeeping to animal care and counselling, with OSC Recruitment providing recruitment support to both candidates and clients across the Midlands.

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