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How Marc scored a career in football at 40!

marc football career

In today’s society it’s common for people to have a second or even third career, as their interests and passions in life change.

A career in football, for example, may seem like the dream, but being able to quit your job in order to retrain is a luxury not available to many. So what’s the alternative?

Marc turned to distance learning in order to develop the skills and knowledge he needed alongside his existing job.

“Whilst working as a qualified chef I realised I wanted to work more with people. In what was a complete career change, I chose to become a personal trainer and fitness instructor. Once qualified I realised there was the opportunity to provide additional and related services to my clients. I’d been assisting the physiotherapist from one of my local professional football clubs, in the medical department, and he encouraged me to diversify, which is why I chose to enrol on the Sports Injury Level 3 course with Open Study College.

“Distance learning was the right option for me for a number of reasons…”

…including my age, family and having a full time job. I was able to fit distance learning around my existing lifestyle. I chose Open Study College because they offer a great choice of payment methods which suited my needs.

My motivation to study came from a desire to push myself to do a job that I love doing, and thankfully that has already happened. I’ve recently started a role as Kit Manager and Sports Massage Therapist at Walsall Football Club. I’m also able to carry on running my own business alongside my career in football. It’s very rewarding seeing someone back on their feet after injury.

The course has opened up further opportunities for me too; I’ve been offered the opportunity to complete my paramedic training with the Football Association.

Knowledge is power, and the feeling you get from self-development is very rewarding. Distance learning courses allow people the opportunity to be what they want to be in life. It puts your dream job within reach. The only thing stopping people from progressing is themselves.”

If you’re feeling inspired by Marc’s story, why not browse over 550 courses on our website and start thinking about the next steps in your career?

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