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How our donations to Help Harry Help Others make a difference

Help Harry Help Others

At Open Study College, we regularly make donations to Help Harry Help Others; a local charity which was inspired by schoolboy Harry Moseley. In 2009, Harry was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Harry sadly passed away in 2011, but his mum Georgie has continued the charity in his memory; offering help, advice and support to people affected by cancer.

In 2018, Open Study College donated £2,575 to Help Harry Help Others. For every enrolment we receive, we make a contribution. Our donations aid the charity in continuing their important and valuable work. Their services are categorised as “Help Cope”, “Help Care” and “Help Cure”.

The Help Harry Help Others Drop in Cancer Support Centre was opened in February 2018 on what would have been Harry’s 18th birthday. It’s been designed to be a comfortable and welcoming space offering a friendly face, an understanding ear, and a range of services to help people deal with the illness.

Here are just a few of the services offered by Help Harry Help Others at the Drop In Centre:

Emotional support for young people

The charity understands that young people need different support to adults when faced with cancer. Whether they themselves have been diagnosed or they’re dealing with the diagnosis of a loved one, Help Harry Help Others is there to support children and young people to work through their emotions and feelings, so they’re better able to deal with the situation.

Financial advice

A cancer diagnosis can bring with it all sorts of additional worries, including financial concerns. Once a week a specialist debt and financial adviser visits the HHHO Drop in Cancer Support Centre to offer help and practical advice to those in financial dire straits. There’s also a benefits advisor who can help with claiming any financial benefits a family or individual is entitled to.

In addition, the charity offers financial grants to help with the practicalities of a cancer diagnosis, like travel costs and parking charges for hospital appointments.

Bra fitting and advisory service

Women who have had breast surgery can face self-esteem and confidence issues as a result of the physical changes. Help Harry Help Others offers emotional and practical advice to help women deal with the illness; both during and afterwards.

Arts and Crafts sessions

Cancer can be a lonely illness which takes its toll in many different ways. These sessions bring a bit of light relief and social opportunities to meet new people, make new friends and learn new skills too.
The centre also has a comfortable lounge area, children’s play area, a library of information, confidential counselling services and careers advice for those returning back to work.

For more information about the Drop In Cancer Support Centre and the services on offer, visit the website.

Find out more about Help Harry Help Others , Harry’s story and ways you can support the charity at

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