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Become a business black belt with our Six Sigma courses

six sigma course

…No, they’re not an American fraternity or equations of the Greek alphabet.

Six Sigma is the ultimate weapon in creating a successful and profiting business, and our courses are the perfect tools you need in order to understand what they are and how to apply them within your business.

What is Six Sigma?

Six Sigma is a set of data-driven management techniques to be applied within a business to improve performance and enhance capability.

Taken from the Greek Alphabet, Sigma is the 15th letter that stands for the quantified amount of variation of a group or population, and the aim of Six Sigma is to reduce this variation and have processes that are free of defects.

To many organisations, it is enforced to reduce errors and employ a standard of quality that aims for perfection. Achieving Six Sigma level means that (ideally) your organisation will only make a mistake 3.4 times within a million.

It is categorised into five phases:

  • Define
  • Measure
  • Analyse
  • Improve
  • Control

Our Six Sigma courses are developed to allow you to understand and implement the Six Sigma methodologies into your organisation.

Six Sigma Green Belt

The primary of our two courses, the Six Sigma Green Belt course is the initial step in understanding the methodologies. It allows you to

  • Understand the Six Sigma tools and techniques
  • Identify flaws within your organisation
  • Know how you can apply Six Sigma to your own workplace

Six Sigma Black Belt

The Six Sigma Black Belt course develops your understanding and builds upon what you have learnt in the Green Belt course. It allows you to

  • Improve your system’s processes
  • Use data collection for profitable outcomes
  • Teach the methodologies to others

At the end of it all, you will be able to sit the relevant examinations and become a Black Belt in Six Sigma courses.

Think you’re up to the challenge? Give our student adviser team a call on 03300 563100, or visit our website to enrol today!

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