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National Careers Week – the gateway to a rewarding career

national careers week

Finding a rewarding career can be challenging. Recent research suggests almost half of Brits feel stuck in an unrewarding job. Another quarter believe they don't hold the qualifications they need for a more rewarding position.

This month, National Careers Week (March 2-7) takes place. The week aims to empower positive change through careers education and provide careers resources to students leaving school.

But, for those no longer in education or struggling to access careers advice as an adult, help is also at hand.

We want to celebrate changing careers and developing regardless of where you are in your career. To do this, we have highlighted three ways further learning can help improve your career possibilities or even help you change careers entirely.

Knowledge is power

An obvious benefit of learning is to expand your knowledge. When it comes to applying this to your career, gaining new knowledge can go a long way in boosting your confidence when starting a new job or changing careers.

Sometimes being stuck in a dead-end or boring job can be very unrewarding. This could be because it’s no longer engaging you in the way it used to. In fact, our recent poll of 2,000 employed adults found that 38% think they’d have a more fulfilling job if they had better qualifications. Another quarter believed they weren't qualified for a more rewarding career.

“It’s never too late to take on a course or qualification, whether it be part-time or full time, to help develop yourself further and improve your career prospects. Getting a new qualification can lead to a more fulfilling career, whether that be a new career or not.”

Samantha Rutter, CEO at Open Study College

Impress the boss

Taking on a new course or qualification is something that will demonstrate a positive work ethic. This is something your boss, or potential new boss, will find particularly impressive to see. It shows dedication to the field and a drive to expand your knowledge - a good indication that you’ll be an asset to the company.

Of course, undertaking learning in addition to your current job can be full-on. However, our courses give students the flexibility to study in a way that suits them.

A confidence boost

By gaining more knowledge and expertise in your chosen career through education, you’ll slowly build your confidence. Improved confidence leads to better career development. Investing in your education will go a long way in demonstrating you're invested and more confident in your career.

“National Careers Week marks a focus on ensuring the next generation of workers get the careers support they need, something that we fully support.

“It is also a time where people should be reflecting on their own careers. Whether you’re happy or not with your current position, further education and progression will never hurt. Learning will always allow you to better yourself and your knowledge.

“Education is an influential step in staying competitive in the job market and whether you’re just starting your career or returning to education to build upon your current experience, pursuing educational training will help you to keep moving forward.”

Samantha Rutter, CEO of Open Study College

Open Study College have helped over 90,000 students to improve their career prospects in the last twelves years, so if you're looking for a more rewarding career, take a look at our course range. We've got over 600 courses and qualifications for you to choose from, to help you find a career that you love.

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