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Why Linda chose to study a GCSE later in life

Linda, Open Study College adult learner

“I am enjoying the course at Open Study College and I’m lucky to have been able to choose, for the first time, what it is I study.” – Linda, 75, Worcestershire

Linda lives in a Worcestershire village with her husband Dougie and is currently studying GCSE Psychology at Open Study College.

Linda nearly completed this qualification 50 years ago but has decided that now is the time to revisit her studies and complete the course at Open Study College: “This course was the only one I have ever considered doing after school, and I nearly got there through night school when I was 25, but there was too much else going on with veterinary practice and children.

“I’ve just completed the first of nine modules and will probably sit the GCSE exam next summer as I only started the course two months ago. I will be really proud to achieve another qualification, alongside obtaining my college qualification in veterinary nursing (RVN Dip) in 1967.”

When Linda isn’t studying, she enjoys shopping, gardening and DIY, alongside a variety of other hobbies: “I enjoy walking between two and three miles a day in the good weather, around the village and local beauty spots such as Bredon Hill, with my husband who is my constant companion.

“I play guitar, I write the odd song and poem, and I am passionate about reading which has saved my sanity these last 12 months. I love my girls, both of them, and I also have one granddaughter. Dougie has three children and that gives us five more grandchildren to add to my one.”

Looking at the differences between studying for the course at night school and via Open Study College, Linda comments: “I am enjoying the course at Open Study College and I’m lucky to have been able to choose, for the first time, what it is I study. I chose distance learning as I find it the most convenient way for me to study. I can fit the studying in at a time of day which may vary, to suit myself, and doesn’t impact my hobbies or time with my family. I am retired so I can really be flexible with my study times.

“The most challenging aspect of the course has been accessing some of the links as my computer was uncooperative. My advice to others wishing to join OSC is to sort out any computer glitches early on!

“My tutor has suggested I contact her more often on the actual course content which is good to hear. I would suggest to anyone starting a course with OSC to establish a rapport with your tutor early on. You are not on your own.”

Linda also offers additional advice to anyone thinking about distance learning: “Look up and research content to add to that which is provided and print it off. It can be quite challenging to construct revision material and to know what one will need. I will also use flashcards to aid revision at exam time.”