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Open Study College Supports Help Harry Help Others in 2018

Open Study College Supports Help Harry Help Others in 2018

Here at Open Study College we are committed to helping other people.
Whether that is through helping our students improve their education and careers, or through helping to transform the lives of people by raising money for charity.
It is because of this that we are proud to announce our new partnership with the Help Harry Help Others cancer charity.

What is Help Harry Help Others?

Help Harry Help Others is an independent charity founded in 2009 by Harry Moseley. After being diagnosed with a brain tumour, Harry wanted to help others in the same situation as himself. With the help of many, he created fundraising events and spoke publicly to further his campaign.
Sadly after years of raising money and awareness, Harry lost his battle with cancer in October 2011. Since then, his mother, Georgie, has taken control of the charity and continued to support those suffering with cancer and their families. She encourages different ways of fundraising to allow everyone to enjoy themselves, while raising money for an important cause.

How do we help?

As of January 1st 2018, Open Study College have been collaborating with Help Harry Help Others to follow on from Harry’s initiative, and help to continue the charity’s success.
We are donating 25p to the charity for every new student enrolment. This means that you are helping us to help them, just by helping yourself and working towards your dream career.
Samantha Rutter, COO of Open Study College, spoke out about this new partnership:

“We’re delighted to be supporting HHHO in 2018. Not only is the charity based near us in Birmingham, but they help families all over the UK. We want to help spread the word on this amazing charity and bring more awareness, which will ultimately help raise funds to support people living with cancer. Harry and Georgie are inspirations to us all and we are very proud to be working with this wonderful charity”

With our help, Help Harry Help Others can continue the great work that they do and change even more lives.
To read more about this amazing charity, head over to their website and see how you can help.

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