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How we can help you become a midwife

midwife demonstrating bottle feeding

Midwives are the unsung heroes of the medical profession. Each year over 600,000 women give birth in the UK, and throughout those 9 months of pregnancy to the moment they get to hold their newborns in their arms, expectant mothers require over 60 hours of attention and care.

This care is given by a plethora of men and women who dedicate their career to helping women throughout their pregnancies.

This varies anywhere from regular check-ups to family support and being there during the birth: their role is endless.
Does this sound like something you could do?

How to become a midwife

To become a midwife, you will need a formal qualification or degree in midwifery, but there are a few routes that can get you to this stage.

Many people choose to become a nurse before tailoring their career towards midwifery, whereas others choose to study with the sole focus of becoming a midwife.

Either way, you need to start with the essentials: GCSEs and A Levels. These are the vital stages that need to be taken before you can attend university, which is where you will specialise in a midwifery course.
To become a midwife, it is essential that you achieve:

  • 5 A*-C Grades at GCSE Level
  • At least 2 (but preferably 3) A*-C grades at A Level

At each level, Biology must be one of the chosen subjects.

How we can help you become a midwife

Open Study College offer a range of GCSEs and A Levels. These include the all-important Biology that you need to become a midwife.

But instead of the usual bricks and mortar school and college life, we offer it to you on your own terms.

Study at a pace that suits you. Be in control of your learning.

You will be assigned a personal tutor who will be with you throughout the entire course, providing support and knowledge to help you succeed.

And yes, they are the exact same qualifications you would receive in school or college. You will achieve the same grades and necessary UCAS points required. The only difference being that you can do it whenever and wherever you choose! Start your career as a midwife from the comfort of your own home.

Or if you want to get started straight away, enrol online or call our Student Adviser team on 03300 563 100 to start your midwifery career today!