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Have you heard about Christian’s distance learning A Level experience?

distance learning A Level experience

Picking your A Levels can be difficult, particularly if you haven’t decided what you want to study at university. For our A Level student, Christian, this was exactly the case. Whilst studying his A Levels, Christian wasn’t sure which path to take.

He decided to take some time to consider and research his options. His background in the National Youth Theatre helped him decide that he wanted a career in writing, directing and acting. To progress on this path, he needed to study an A Level English Literature course. We spoke to Christian about this decision to study a distance learning A Level, here’s what he had to say…

What’s your background in terms of education?

I graduated from Warwick School in 2018 after completing three A Levels in Drama, Art and English Language achieving AAB.

What made you want to study your chosen subject/course?

In my final year at school I didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to do in terms of secondary education. None of the subjects that my A Levels allowed me to apply for interested me at university. I had an interest in English Literature but hadn’t taken it at A level and was, therefore, unable to apply for it at university.

What was your motivation for studying?

Having a clear target to strive for. I’d seen the university(s) I wanted to go to and was driven by the opportunities they offered. It also gave me a sense of direction after not knowing where I wanted to go and while I was isolated at home now that former classmates were at university and elsewhere. Having something stimulating to work towards was really motivating in an otherwise quite quiet time.

Why did you choose distance learning over traditional study methods?

It offered me the freedom to do other things and take other opportunities in my year out. For example, I’m also working part-time around 20-30 hours a week to save money to travel in the summer after my exams. It’s also allowed me to study the course in a single year as opposed to over the course of two.

Why did you choose to study with Open Study College?

It had the comfort of being both a structured course I could follow, so I wasn’t on my own with only textbooks to read, and being flexible enough that I could organise my time and studies independently. The course is structured so that you learn skills needed for the exams, as well as information. Each topic builds on the last in a well-structured, easy way to follow.

What have you enjoyed most about your studies?

Learning to be self-motivated and having a skill to work on measurably improving. I’ve also enjoyed how effective and efficient self-studying is. It’s a far more active way of learning and I’m able to learn what would have taken three days at school in three hours.

What do you plan to do with your course after completing your studies?

I’ve applied to do English Literature at University and currently have offers from Exeter, Bristol and Leeds and I’m waiting for a result from Durham.

What are your career goals?

I’m very passionate about drama and theatre, so I plan to go into acting as well as writing and directing which my studies in English will nourish and inform.

To find out more about studying a distance learning A Level and the range of subjects we have to offer, go to our website or speak to one of our friendly student advisers on 03300 563100.